Turning Data into Delight: Telehealth Giant’s Journey to Customer Excellence Through NPS Study


We worked with a well-known Telehealth company based in the US that provides a range of wellness products and services, including treatments for hair loss, skin care, sexual health, and mental wellness. With a mission to make healthcare accessible and affordable, the company offers a seamless online experience from diagnosis to treatment, with a focus on convenience and discretion.


The primary goal of this case study was to analyze the annual Net Promoter Score (NPS) data across all product categories. This analysis aimed to uncover strengths and areas for improvement in order to enhance customer satisfaction and retention.


Data Collection and Organization: NPS survey data was collected from multiple customer touchpoints, including post-purchase surveys, customer service interactions, and product feedback forms.

Thematic Analysis: Thematic analysis was employed to identify recurring themes and patterns within the feedback. This qualitative approach allowed for a deeper understanding of customer sentiments and preferences.

Actionable Insights: Insights were generated and presented to stakeholders through detailed reports and visualizations. This included identifying key areas for improvement and strengths to build upon.

Key Findings

Customer Convenience

One of the major strengths identified was the ease and convenience of getting started with our client’s services. Customers appreciated the frictionless process of accessing treatments, which alleviated the fear or apprehension of starting new health regimens.

Variation in Results

Another critical insight was that customers who did not see expected results from their treatments were prone to cancel their subscriptions. This underscored the need for setting clear expectations and providing support to customers who might experience slower progress.

Communication Needs

Customers expressed a need to feel heard and understood. Those who felt their concerns were not adequately addressed were more likely to leave the service. This highlighted the importance of effective communication and setting realistic expectations at the beginning of the customer journey.

Product Issues

A significant area for improvement was identified in the product packaging. Feedback indicated that the packaging was not durable enough or optimized for shipping, leading to dissatisfaction among customers.

Business Impact

  • Product Improvements: The analysis led to fundamental improvements in product packaging, ensuring better durability and optimization for shipping. This addressed a common pain point and improved the overall customer experience.

  • Enhanced Communication Strategies: The insights regarding the need for better communication resulted in the development of more effective customer service protocols. This included training for customer service representatives to better address customer concerns and setting clearer expectations during the initial stages of treatment.

  • Retention Strategies: By understanding the reasons behind cancellations, we were able to develop targeted retention strategies. This involved offering additional support to customers who were not seeing immediate results and providing reassurance and guidance on the expected timelines for their treatments.


The NPS data analysis provided valuable insights that significantly impacted the company’s approach to customer satisfaction and retention. By addressing key areas such as product packaging, communication, and expectation management, our client was able to enhance the overall customer experience and strengthen their market position. This case study underscores the importance of leveraging customer feedback to drive continuous improvement and deliver a superior service.

Effective Communication is Key

Ensuring that customers feel heard and setting clear expectations through tailored marketing messaging can significantly reduce churn and improve overall satisfaction.

Continuous Improvement

Iterative improvements based on customer insights can lead to better product offerings and a more loyal customer base. Customers want to feel understood.

Customer Feedback is Crucial

Regularly analyzing and acting on customer feedback can reveal important areas for improvement and help in maintaining high levels of customer satisfaction.

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