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How Its Done Series: Brand-Price Trade-Off Study

In the complex arena of marketing, setting the right price for a product can be as crucial as the product itself. This is where the brand-price trade-off methodology comes into play, offering a strategic approach to understanding how price variations influence consumer choices and brand value. This guide delves deep into the methodology, exploring its applications, detailed processes, and the impactful results it can deliver.

Understanding Brand-Price Trade-Off Methodology

What is Brand-Price Trade-Off Analysis?

Brand-price trade-off (BPTO) analysis is a quantitative research technique used in marketing to measure how changes in product price impact consumer preferences and perceptions of a brand’s value. This methodology helps marketers identify the optimal price point that maximizes both sales volume and profit margins.

Components of BPTO

The methodology primarily involves two key components: consumer survey data and statistical modeling. Surveys are designed to gather insights on consumer preferences at different price levels, while statistical models are used to analyze this data and simulate market responses to various pricing scenarios. Yielding clear data that enables decision making.

Applications of Brand-Price Trade-Off Methodology

Product Pricing

Companies use BPTO to forecast their potential revenue for newly launched products, or those that have revamped pricing. The methodology allows companies to forecast sales volume and profitability, allowing for streamlined and data-driven strategies.

Portfolio Optimization

While it’s important to continuously innovate, sometimes new products can cannibalize existing products. The BPTO methodology helps you identify where your potential sales volume is generated, helping you avoid cannibalization of your product portfolio.

Competitive Analysis

BPTO can be used to assess competing products within existing and established markets. By measuring how consumers behave throughout a series of tradeoffs, companies can understand how their brand is evaluated in the context of the market.

Marketing Strategy

Lastly, BTPO can be used to measure the impact of a company’s marketing efforts. The survey first shows respondents competitor products, then a new product concept among other competitors, followed by an advertisement for the new product, finally they are asked again which product they would buy. The data will reveal if the advertising had any effect on consumers’ likelihood to purchase.


Brand-price trade-off analysis is a powerful tool in the marketer’s toolkit, especially since consumers are connecting to brands on a higher level than ever before. By understanding and applying this methodology, brands can optimize their pricing strategies, thereby maximizing both consumer satisfaction and business profitability. Using this methodology can give brands the assurance that they are not leaving any revenue untapped.